
What Happens to Your Brain When You Binge-Watch a TV Series.

“When engaged in an activity that’s enjoyable such as binge watching, your brain produces dopamine,” Dr. Renee Carr explains. “This chemical gives the body a natural, internal reward of pleasure that reinforces continued engagement in that activity. It is the brain’s signal that communicates to the body, ‘This feels good. You should keep doing this!’ When binge watching your favorite show, your brain is continually producing dopamine, and your body experiences a drug-like high.”


What Happens to Your Brain When You Binge-Watch a TV Series.

“When engaged in an activity that’s enjoyable such as binge watching, your brain produces dopamine,” Dr. Renee Carr explains. “This chemical gives the body a natural, internal reward of pleasure that reinforces continued engagement in that activity. It is the brain’s signal that communicates to the body, ‘This feels good. You should keep doing this!’ When binge watching your favorite show, your brain is continually producing dopamine, and your body experiences a drug-like high.”