
This Is All I Got

A New Mother’s Search for Home.

The waiting list for housing in New York City’s Section 8 program — which provides vouchers for rent — has been capped at 10,000 names. It stopped taking applications in 2008. Think about that for a moment. Our government’s primary program to provide affordable housing is so oversubscribed that you can’t even get your name on a waiting list. What’s going to happen in these subsequent months as our unemployment rolls swell? Where will people find shelter?


This Is All I Got

A New Mother’s Search for Home.

The waiting list for housing in New York City’s Section 8 program — which provides vouchers for rent — has been capped at 10,000 names. It stopped taking applications in 2008. Think about that for a moment. Our government’s primary program to provide affordable housing is so oversubscribed that you can’t even get your name on a waiting list. What’s going to happen in these subsequent months as our unemployment rolls swell? Where will people find shelter?