Snoozers Are, in Fact, Losers
On a typical workday morning, if you’re like most people, you don’t wake up naturally. Instead, the ring of an alarm clock probably jerks you out of sleep. Then you throw out your arm and hit the snooze button, silencing the noise for at least a few moments. It may seem like you’re giving yourself a few extra minutes to collect your thoughts. But what you’re actually doing is making the wake-up process more difficult and drawn out.

Snoozers Are, in Fact, Losers
On a typical workday morning, if you’re like most people, you don’t wake up naturally. Instead, the ring of an alarm clock probably jerks you out of sleep. Then you throw out your arm and hit the snooze button, silencing the noise for at least a few moments. It may seem like you’re giving yourself a few extra minutes to collect your thoughts. But what you’re actually doing is making the wake-up process more difficult and drawn out.