Procrastinate Much? Manage Your Emotions, Not Your Time.

Procrastinate Much? Manage Your Emotions, Not Your Time.

The psychologists Timothy Pychyl and Fuschia Sirois have discovered that procrastination isn’t about avoiding work; it’s about avoiding negative emotions.(…) This means that if you want to procrastinate less, you don’t have to increase your work ethic or improve your time management. You can instead focus on changing your habits around emotion management.

Procrastinate Much? Manage Your Emotions, Not Your Time.

Procrastinate Much? Manage Your Emotions, Not Your Time.

The psychologists Timothy Pychyl and Fuschia Sirois have discovered that procrastination isn’t about avoiding work; it’s about avoiding negative emotions.(…) This means that if you want to procrastinate less, you don’t have to increase your work ethic or improve your time management. You can instead focus on changing your habits around emotion management.